{"version":3,"sources":["webpack://gatsby-starter-default/./src/pages/ccpa-information.js"],"names":["fluid","className","id","md","style","fontWeight","href","target"],"mappings":"2MA6JA,UAtJiB,kBACf,gCACE,gBAAC,IAAD,MAEA,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAWA,OAAK,EAACC,UAAU,yCACzB,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAWD,OAAK,EAACC,UAAU,gBACzB,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAWD,MAAM,KAAKC,UAAU,+BAC9B,sBAAIA,UAAU,YAAYC,GAAG,OAA7B,oBAGA,gBAAC,IAAD,KACE,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAKC,GAAI,GACP,2GAIA,8HAE4C,KAE5C,0BACE,0BACG,IADH,oGAGwC,KAExC,0BACG,IADH,0HAG2D,KAE3D,0BACG,IADH,gGAGkC,KAElC,0BACG,IADH,uGAG0C,KAE1C,0BACG,IADH,kFAGuB,MAIzB,qKAGkB,IAChB,qBACEC,MAAO,CAAEC,WAAY,QACrBC,KAAK,8BAFP,uBAJF,gEAUgE,KAEhE,0BACE,0BACG,IADH,sPAK6D,IAC3D,qBACEF,MAAO,CAAEC,WAAY,QACrBC,KAAK,8BAFP,uBAKK,IAXP,8DAY8D,KAE9D,0BACG,IADH,sVAOsD,IACpD,qBACEF,MAAO,CAAEC,WAAY,QACrBC,KAAK,8BAFP,uBARF,qVAmB4B,KAE5B,0BACG,IADH,4QAMoB,MAGtB,ocAO6D,KAE7D,8dAQuB,IACrB,qBACEF,MAAO,CAAEC,WAAY,QACrBC,KAAK,8BAFP,uBATF,IAeI,KAEJ,4FACmE,IACjE,qBACEA,KAAK,qFACLC,OAAO,UAFT,cAFF,UAeV,gBAAC,IAAD","file":"component---src-pages-ccpa-information-js-df29c1022a812df38c24.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\"\nimport { Container, Button, Col, Media, Image, Row } from \"react-bootstrap\"\nimport \"./styles/how-it-works.styles.scss\"\nimport { StaticImage } from \"gatsby-plugin-image\"\nimport Footer from \"../components/Layout/Footer\"\nimport NavBarLight from \"../components/Layout/navBar/NavBarLight\"\n\nconst CcpaInfo = () => (\n <>\n \n\n \n \n \n

\n CCPA Information\n

\n \n \n
\n Salt Point Finance dba Pave Credit CCPA Privacy Notice Last\n updated 8/10/2021\n

\n Residents of California have additional rights under the\n California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).{\" \"}\n

  • \n {\" \"}\n Under the CCPA, California residents have the right to know\n and access your personal information.{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Know the categories of personal information we collect and the\n categories of sources from which we got the information;{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Know the business or commercial purposes for which we collect\n and share personal information;{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Know the categories of third parties and other entities with\n whom we share personal information; and{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Access the specific pieces of personal information we have\n collected about you.{\" \"}\n
  • \n

\n To request this information, please email your name, email\n address, California postal address as well as your loan ID, if\n you have one to{\" \"}\n \n CCPA@pavecredit.com\n \n . You may also exercise your right by calling (855) 801-7283.{\" \"}\n

  • \n {\" \"}\n Right to deletion. In some circumstances, you may ask us to\n delete your personal information. To request deletion of your\n information, please email your name, email address, California\n postal address as well as your loan ID, if you have one to{\" \"}\n \n CCPA@pavecredit.com\n {\" \"}\n You may also exercise your right by calling (855) 801-7283.{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Right to opt out of sales. We may share your personal\n information with third parties in ways that may constitute a\n “sale” under CCPA. You may request that we not “sell” your\n personal information on a going forward basis. To do so,\n please email your name, email address, California postal\n address as well as your loan ID, if you have one to{\" \"}\n \n CCPA@pavecredit.com\n \n . You may also exercise your right by calling (855) 801-7283.\n If you reengage with us after opting out of the “sale” of your\n personal information, such as obtaining a new loan, signing up\n for a newsletter and/or entering a sweepstakes or contest your\n personal information will be collected and used in accordance\n with this Privacy Notice.{\" \"}\n
  • \n
  • \n {\" \"}\n Right to be free from discrimination. You may exercise any of\n the above rights without fear of being discriminated against.\n We are permitted to provide a different price or rate to you\n if the difference is directly related to the value provided to\n you by your data.{\" \"}\n
  • \n

\n For any of the above-mentioned rights, you may designate an\n authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In the\n request, you or your authorized agent must provide including\n information sufficient for us to confirm the identity of an\n authorized agent. We are required to verify that your agent has\n been properly authorized to request information on your behalf\n and this may take additional time to fulfill your request.{\" \"}\n


\n We will use the information you provide to make your CCPA rights\n requests to verify your identity, identify the personal\n information we may hold about you and act upon your request. We\n strongly recommend that you submit the email and postal address\n that you used when you created accounts or signed up for a\n newsletter. If you are a California resident and have any\n questions regarding your CCPA rights under this Privacy Notice,\n please contact us at{\" \"}\n \n CCPA@pavecredit.com\n \n .{\" \"}\n


\n To view Salt Point Finance dba Pave Credit’s full privacy policy{\" \"}\n \n click here\n \n .\n

\n \n